Craps Online: Winning Strategies To Build Your Bankroll

There are several exciting sweepstakes genres that allow us to experience the best gaming environment in online casino platforms just like we have in their land-based counterparts. Craps online is among those top choices that fans love. 

Many players enjoy this genre, but in comparison with other chance-based casino games like slots and baccarat, it is hard to find out reliable info about the winning strategies that you can incorporate on craps online. 

Therefore, we decided to come up with this article and share our thoughts on common gaming strategies that you can use to improve your odds in craps. Without further ado, let’s get into it. 

Basic Strategies for Craps Online

As a beginner, you need to follow the guidelines and make sure that you are employing only low-risk gaming strategies to keep yourself away from drastic losses. Below, you will find some of the beginner strategies that you can utilize on craps online. 

Pass Line Strategy

Craps online

The first option here is the pass line. For many players, the pass line is considered to be the easiest craps strategy out of all. All you need to do to implement this strategy is to bet on the pass line bet. Make sure that you complete this process during the come-out bet. 

The odds for this strategy are stacked, and that means you have a very high chance of winning while using a pass-line bet. Whenever the dice lands on either 11 or seven, you will automatically win the round. 

Do Not Pass Line Strategy

The second one here is the exact opposite of the pass line bet, and that is called the do not pass line strategy. While employing this strategy, you are betting against the shooter. As it is the opposite of the previous one, whenever the shooter lands on 7 or 11, you will automatically lose. 

However, when the dice lands on 2 or 3, you will win the rewards. The house edge for the do not pass line strategy is slightly lower than the previous option, and it stands at 1.45 percent in craps online version. 

How to Cut The Losses Through Bankroll Management?

Beginners tend to lose control over the game, and that leads them to use all the available funds in the internet casino game. Therefore, they need to practice successful bankroll management strategies to win in the long term. 

You need to allocate a budget to craps online and set yourself a limit on the winning target. For instance, you might set a limit at 15 percent and make sure that whenever you earn at least 15 percent of the overall deposit, you will leave the table. 

Intermediate Craps Online Strategies

If you are playing for several months, you will rank up in craps, and therefore, you cannot use those same generic beginner strategies and hope to win. So, in that stage, it is recommended to utilize strategies like craps odds and craps press. So, what are they? 

Payout Odds Strategy

Payout odds are more advanced strategies that you can use in craps online. While doing so, you will bet against both the shooter and your competitors. Although there is no house edge while making these bets, your odds of landing the exact number is lower than pass line kind of bets. However, the earnings are definitely higher. So, it is worth your time to study such strategies to build your bankroll in relatively advanced craps tables. 

Press and Pull Strategy

Craps online

The second strategy here is the press strategy in this sweepstakes gaming genre. While playing craps, most players also refer to this strategy as press and pull. The initial idea behind this strategy is to press the bets whenever the place bet lands and pull out the winnings as soon as this action repeats itself four times. This strategy allows online sweepstakes players to win large amounts without risking their whole available funds. 

The chances of you winning big amounts by using press strategy is high. However, keep in mind that the chances of you landing the same number 4 times consecutively before landing 7 or 11 is also slim. So, play accordingly and never exceed the limit that you set prior to the start of the craps online game. 

Advanced Craps Online Strategy

When it comes to advanced strategies for craps online, it is hard to think about anything besides 3 point molly. This strategy is considered to be the riskiest and aggressive winning strategy out of all. To execute the strategy perfectly, players need to wager on multiple bets that have a lower house edge. The reasoning behind this strategy suggests that while doing so, you will cut your losses through small wins. Eventually, you will be able to leave the game with high earnings. 

At least, 3 point molly has a realistic chance of giving out that kind of big wins for players whenever they utilize this strategy on craps online. You need to have a big bankroll to start using this strategy. Otherwise, you will not be able to continue the game after several losses. 


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